Stiftung Neuropath

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The Foundation’s Board Members

The foundation’s board consists of three members:

Prof. Dr. Michael HengartnerMichael Hengartner
Director of the University of Zurich
President of the ETH board
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck SchimmerBeatrice Beck Schimmer
Director of University Medicine Zurich
University Hospital Zurich
Prof. Dr. Adriano AguzziAdriano Aguzzi
Director of the Institute of Neuropathology
University Hospital Zurich

The Board Members have the following responsibilities:
  • Determination of the priority of tasks and the distribution of foundation funds to associated tasks
  • Formulate a directive on asset management and the delegation of assets to the best-qualified company
  • Approval of the annual accounts and annual report
  • Adoption of foundation regulations

The Foundation is subject to the authority and supervision of the Canton of Zurich.